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Friday, October 29, 2010

Manufacturing Excellence - Inspire, Lead, and Succeed by TAKING ACTION!

If I applied myself as much as I procrastinated... Wow! That would be powerful! I need a nap just thinking about it! :-)

Sound familiar? Don't we all know it? The problem of procrastination... Why is it so difficult to take action? Why is it so difficult to try new things? There are 3 reasons that come to mind:
  • Fear
  • Perfectionism
  • Complacency
I have to admit that even though most people who know me would describe me as very action oriented, there are many times when I get so frustrated with myself because certain tasks take me longer than they should because I simply can't get my act together. It can also happen that I don't get started on a new project because I either don't have a deadline or there is enough time to meet this deadline. Yes, I am a self-declared "deadline-junky".

Sometimes this happens because I don't have my priorities straight, sometimes it happens because I simply don't like the task, sometimes I lack self-discipline and more than once I catch myself simply being lazy. Humans are funny that way but I guess we have to constantly continue to work on ourselves to improve our natural tendencies. There is no point in coming up with excuses. I take action to improve my inaction by asking myself the question, "Karin, how can you overcome this obstacle and how can you do better, starting NOW?"

I know that I am sometimes too hard on myself but these are the principles that I teach, so I need to practise what I preach. How can I have expectations of others if I don't set my own standards high? I have always believed in walking the talk if I want to see other people follow my lead.

Taking action and initiative combined with taking ownership and responsibility is something that I would like to see more of in today's corporate world.
Wouldn't you rather move forward instead of moving in circles?

It seems to me that many people are fearful of making mistakes because that's the culture their top management team has created. The Executive Team makes the decisions, various levels don't trust each other and everyone else is waiting around to get told what action to take, instead of using their own brain. When people are fearful they would rather make no decision at all instead of risking to make a wrong one. If you work in a company of "non-decision-makers", it is very difficult to take action and the bigger the corporation, the more difficult it becomes.

Something else that holds people back from taking action is perfectionism. These individuals do a lot of research, they over-think and they rarely get anything going because it will be never good enough.  I am not at risk for this one. Once I get started, I am really good at dealing with the risk that comes with it because in my mind "nobody and nothing is perfect". That's why I would rather do something instead of nothing and make improvements along the way.

Last but not least we have to deal with complacency. This is a dangerous one because it is so easy to get sucked into a complacent mode. Unfortunately, many of us have created habits that don't serve us well and we have started to live our lives on autopilot. How sad is this? Most people don't like change and there is still the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it - attitude". However, if we would all think like this, there would be nothing new under the sun, there would be no inventions and no progress in the world. The truth is that we all have something important to give but we have to allow ourselves to discover what it is. Sometimes we are not even aware that we have to take action to make changes for the better.

Jim Rohn used to say, "Don't let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action."

What are you waiting for? Stop waiting for the perfect moment, do your part and take action because imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.

Manufacturing Success Tips - Connect With Your Connectors

Looking back at all of the layoffs in 2009, I believe that companies got rid of many great employees and they didn't even realize it. Did anyone consider who the people are who have to stay for the long-term benefit of the organization; or those who really should go because they poison the work environment; or what about those who would be instrumental in getting the organization to the next level? Was it just a numbers game? Every company has natural leaders and they don't necessarily have a title. There are people who are natural connectors and these people are critical to the success of any company. Connectors have people skills and they easily get to know their fellow employees, their challengers, the missed opportunities and much more. These people usually know more about the company than the President or CEO. Would you like to know more? Please tune in!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Manufacturing Excellence - Inspire, Lead, and Succeed by IMPROVING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS!

 Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
~ Henry Winkler

Isn't it so true that in the race of climbing the ladder of success we often neglect the things that matter most, the relationships in our life?

How much is it really worth if you have everything that money can buy but the relationships with your loved ones are in turmoil, your friends are long gone because you never had time to connect with them, and you don't seem to get a grasp on how to build better relationships with your employees and/or co-workers?

If our relationships at home are not going the way we would like, some of us may shut down and get frustrated and carry these issues to work. In addition, if we have difficulties building relationships at work, we may find it to be "mission impossible" to accomplish the things we want to accomplish, which also leads to frustration.

There is no denying it, relationships are important in our personal and in our professional life. To some people building relationships comes easily and is very natural. Thank goodness I am one of them. For others, it pushes them out of their comfort zone because they simply don't feel comfortable engaging in small talk in order to connect with people.

I am sure you will agree that it takes a lot of hard work and effort to not only maintain but enhance the various relationships that we have in our life.

The question is: Why is it so difficult?
Personality differences?
Cultural differences?
Different values?
Lack of time?
Not having our priorities straight?

While I think it is a mix of all of the above, I also think one major thing is that we always tend to make assumptions as to what others are thinking. In our head we already know how the other person will act or react. Well, at least we think we know.

So how can you immediately start to improve the relationships in your life? The following tips are true for business and true for life.
          Be Aware
First of all you have to be aware that things are not as they should be and that you have to do something about it. Things will only start changing once you start taking the first step in the right direction.
          Focus on Yourself First
What are some things that you can do to improve your relationships? Perhaps you have to pick up the phone? Perhaps you have to have a conversation with someone and apologize to sort things out? Perhaps you have to share how you feel about a certain situation with someone in order to be able to move on? If a conversation doesn't go the way you want it to go, ask yourself, "What could I have done differently?"
          Focus on the Positive Aspects of the Other Person
Usually we tend to focus on what we don't like and we dwell on it. It's always the other person's fault. Did you know that we judge others by their actions but we judge ourselves by our intentions? Why not try it the other way around to give the whole conversation a positive spin?
          Set Relationship Goals
What is the ideal outcome for you? How would you like your relationships to be? At home, set relationship goals together with your partner and children. At work, work out a code of honour that keeps you and your team committed to the standards you've set together. 

Whether your relationship is with your spouse, family member, child, friend, supervisor, manager, customer or co-worker, you want to make your interpersonal relationships positive, supportive, clear, and empowering.  
If this is one of your main goals, you will see the difference that this will make in your life. If you want your relationships to be better, you have to be better!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Manufacturing Success Tips - Be Curious Instead of Furious!

Have you ever noticed how curious little kids are?
They ask one question after another and sometimes we don't have an answer. A little embarrassed we mumble, "well, that's the way it is". Kids have no fear of the unknown. When they learn to walk, they try, they fall, and they try again..... because failure is not an option and they are curious to see the world from a different perspective. Take a look how we can shift from furious to curious!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Next FREE Workshop at the Richmond Hill Central Library is on October 19, 2010

We have scheduled our next workshop "Layoff During Difficult Times - The End or a New Beginning?" to give back to our community.

Did you lose your job?
Are you fearful and stuck, looking for guidance?
Are you ready to be pro-active and make a plan for your life?
Do you need help identifying and setting your goals?
Do you want a confidence boost and create more self-awareness?
Do you know someone who lost their job recently?
Do you want to move forward and find the right job for YOU?
Are you thinking about self-employment?

We can help! We provide a supportive and positive learning environment and empower people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. It is all about taking action and taking 100 % responsibility for your life and for your results!

Sometimes it's tough to stay positive considering all the fears and insecurities we have to deal with. However, we have learned from own experience that attitude is everything and it is our goal to communicate to YOU how you can turn a positive outlook in your job search into action.

Come and join us! It's time to sign up.....

Our commitment to you is to give you positive energy, a lot of new ideas and a fantastic workshop without any investment for you, except your time. If you give us your commitment to participate, please do not let anything prevent you from attending. It will be well worth your time and effort.

This attitude alone will separate you from others who are looking a job. I firmly believe, how you do anything is how you do everything!

"The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it, and the faith to believe it's possible."
- Rich Devos

When? October 19, 2010 from 6 pm - 8.30 pm
Where? Central Library, 1 Atkinson Street, Richmond Hill L4C 0H5 (west/south corner of Major Mackenzie and Yonge)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Manufacturing Excellence - Inspire, Lead, and Succeed by KEEPING YOUR WORK-LIFE BALANCE!

"Whenever people ask me what the biggest difference between North America and Europe is,  I always say: "North Americans live to work and Europeans work to live." As much as I love what I do, I think I owe it to my clients to refresh my mind every once in a while so that I can give 100%. Whenever I spend time in the Austrian mountains I experience magic. I admire nature's beauty and think about life and all of a sudden everything I worry about becomes so meaningless."
 ~ Karin Lindner

I just returned from a wonderful trip to Austria and I feel that I would like to share some of my insights about work-life balance. It always makes me smile when people ask me, "So you have your own business and you're going on a 2 or 3 week vacation?". Well, isn't this one of the perks of having your own business, being able to create what you want to have?

With the power of internet, email and Skype the world has become so connected and there is nothing I couldn't do (if I feel the need) while I am away, except delivering training in person.

Having balance in your life is important. I realize that we live in a fast paced business environment and that we have to do more with fewer resources. However, I firmly believe that it comes down to proper organization and planning of your days, weeks and months in order to get the most out of your life.

You have to look after yourself first, your health, your family and your well being, otherwise you will eventually find yourself overwhelmed, non-productive and disillusioned in your job. This level of frustration will carry over to your family life and your level of happiness. 

It is a sign that I am fully relaxed when I can't remember the PIN of my debit card anymore.... and believe me, this number is easy. :-) However, I have to say that I probably have a special gift of being able to switch into total relaxation and vacation mode while I am away. I don't know too many people who can do that. I also always sleep well even when I have a lot on my mind. My convincing statement before I go to bed is: "There is enough time to worry about that tomorrow. My sleep is more important right now." I have learned to prioritize what's important. 

Unfortunately I know a lot of people who are held hostage by their work schedule and daily agenda.  They cannot exercise the flexibility of making both, their personal and professional life fulfilling. Having a fulfilling career and a lot of money does not mean anything if you have health issues, are in terrible shape, have family problems, no time for hobbies, or no time to spend quality time with family and friends. It is important to strive for abundance and this can only be achieved when you have balance in your life. 

How would you feel when the day of your retirement comes and nobody is there to enjoy it with?

It is an unfortunate fact that many employers don't realize how powerful and beneficial it would be for the company's well being if their employees would take the time to relax, unwind, and quiet their mind. Creativity and productivity would skyrocket and the amount of mental and other illnesses would certainly decrease.

I don't think that it is my job to convince you. You have to learn for yourself. You have to experience it for yourself but I do want to leave you with an inspiring movie by Linda Ellis and perhaps you may take at least some of it to heart.

Manufacturing Success Tips - Attitude - A New Language to Learn?

It has been said that "attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference...". Often discussed but not too much done about it. It is easier to address people's lack of measurable outcomes than their behaviour. That's why we live in a society of mediocrity. Wouldn't it be better to try our best every single day? We have to reinforce, reinforce, reinforce because humans are creatures of habits and habits are not broken easily. Don't you want to be the best? Don't you want to help your people to become the best? Do you want to know how? Take a look?